What are the benefits of using a vaporiser?

We all want to buy friends helpful gifts, but it can be challenging! You might look to discover Longines watches if you want to be classy, books if you want to appear thoughtful, or you might want to find ‘that’ gift that facilitates ‘personal growth’. Vapes could be this gift; an item that is currently trending around the world, offering consumers a healthier alternative to smoking (which is obviously no longer as socially accepted as in previous decades). 

Despite vaping’s popularity, the jury is still out: is it a healthy alternative to smoking, or does it encourage a continued addiction to nicotine? 

According to the World Health Organisation, there has been a gradual decrease in the estimated number of cigarette smokers globally. So, let’s explore what the positives are of purchasing an item that has helped turn the smoking industry on its head!

  1. The experts say vaping is safer than smoking: This is backed up by the Royal College of Physicians (a distinguished organisation who represent over 30,000 doctors across the globe). They released a statement suggesting that vaping is approximately 95% safer than smoking based on their substantial research. The author of the review, Professor Ann McNeill, stated, ”e-cigarettes could be a game-changer in public health”. This is due to there being zero ash, combustion or tar associated with vaping.
  2. There are health benefits: Quitting smoking and switching to vaping enables smokers to experience a range of positive health benefits due to being ‘smoke-free’. The list includes improved oral hygiene, skin condition, blood circulation, lung health and an enhanced sense of smell and taste.
  3. Vaping is affordable: with such a large selection of vapes available, vaping is affordable for consumers from a range of economic price points. Products – from disposable e-cigs to complex vape mods and sophisticated e-liquids – ensure there is a model for all consumers.
  4. Consumers are onboard: Whilst the number of smokers have been decreasing, vaping has been increasing rapidly. In 2010 only about 6 million vaped worldwide, while approximately 41 million did by 2018. Euromonitor (a prestigious market research company) believes another 10 million will be vaping by 2021.
  5. Vape in different flavours: there are virtually endless flavour options to choose, especially in e-juice. Flavours range from Gummi Bear to Strawberry Watermelon – delicious! With new flavours constantly being introduced to the market, consumers will not run out of flavours to experiment with.
  6. Control over nicotine intake: Nicotine is the infamous addictive substance in tobacco. Although nicotine exists in vapes, vaping gives you the power to control the amount of your nicotine dosage. Many people who vape are people trying to quit smoking, so they tend to start off with higher nicotine levels, and slowly work their way towards a lower dosage, or, ultimately, they aim to eliminate it entirely.

The jury is still out on vaping – The World Health Organization has suggested vaping is still a health issue due to being additive and the long-term health benefits being unknown – but, all things considered though, any ‘healthier’ alternative to smoking should be considered a win for consumers.

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