Job Interviews Dos and Don’ts

The interview is your one-way ticket to get the job you want. You will only achieve this if you make the best impression of yourself. No matter which company it is, from custom research paper writing service to oil plant. Here are the dos and don’ts of job interviews.


Do: study the company, have a background check on the websites and social media handles before you step into the test. How is the presentation of the workplace and the nature of the employees? If the dress code is casual, then rock your shirt but if it is formal, then follow suit.

Don’t: Underdress. It is better to present yourself as more formal than to show up on the day of the interview in casual wear. It gives the impression that you are not a serious person.

Body Language

Do: be confident in your nonverbal cues and body language. Have a straight posture, lean forward, and keep eye contact with the interviewer. Put on a smile while conversing with the interviewer.

Don’t: avoid slouching and crossing arms during the interview. Avoid fidgeting. It will make you seem off and hesitant.


Do: Be relaxed and poise yourself. The test is to see how you react to a challenge. When you get thrown an unexpected query, get flexible, relax, and try to be engaging. Remember to wear a smile even if you do not know the answer to the question you get asked.

Don’t: Avoid showing panic signs when asked a question you do not know the answer. If you are not sure of what to say or how to respond, keep your stance first to recollect yourself. Avoid rushing while answering. Remember to stay calm.

Hold back

Do: the interviewer is the boss in the interview. Let them take control and feel it and lead the process as you follow back. There are things they may want to find out about you to ascertain that you are fit for the job. Help them gather as much information as possible.

Don’t: don’t hold back when you are seeking clarification on something you have not understood. Do not be passive in the conversation such that it turns out to be one-sided. Let the interview become a dialogue.



Do: as you step into the interview, prepare yourself with the abilities you possess that will make a good impression about you. When you take time to research the company and the job you get called upon, you will have an easy time to capture what you want to say and will make you talk more sense.

Don’t: never skip the pre-interview research stage. It is the most crucial stage as it entails preparedness. Do not go over this stage. You shall regret it.


Do: your strategy is to lay out the vital points gathered during your preparation stage, but be mindful to demonstrate to the interviewer that you have better listening skills. Tell them your ability to focus and take note of each question that gets asked then confidently answer the questions.

Don’t: do not fall into the temptation to rush to your resume as you get asked the questions. Make sure your answers are related to the questions asked and make sure you stay on topic for every response. Make sure your background is well suited and equipped with possible replies that may target the queries thrown at you.

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