Have you finished to write an essay draft and it seems that you are close to an end? Don’t jump to such conclusions as it is possible to improve your piece of writing. The editing of an essay may seem to be a boring job but if you use the right approach to it, things may get simple. Do not forget that there is no need to check out your work in a hurry. It is better to spend some time and edit systematically.
Sure that if you have to deal with the 10 page papers, the process of editing will take a certain period of time. Be patient thinking about the great result you will get if follow the effective tips for editing your written work.
Step-by-Step Guide That Will Help to Polish Your Essay Paper
It is impossible to write the brilliant variant for the first time. There are a lot of cases when artists draw their pictures for years as well as famous writers who rewrite the same page more than ten times. If you want to make your essay perfect, be ready to make all necessary corrections till you are fully satisfied with its original voice. In order to make this process easier, you should stick to a certain strategy. While editing, take the following steps and you will achieve your goal quickly.
- Make sure you have structured the essay well: Don’t pay attention to misprints or grammar errors at this stage. Leave such insignificant errors for proofreading. While editing you have another goal. Do you know which? To make sure that the structure can meet the main structure requirements. Ask yourself if the text sounds logical. If the answer is “yes”, then you have done a great job and can take the next step in your editing process.
- Check out if you managed to grasp the reader’s attention: Reread the first sentences and try to imagine that you are a reader. Would you like to continue reading to find out what is going to happen in the main body? If the first sentences sound banal or too boring nobody will be willing to waste time reading such work. Learn more about the effective hooks to attract the attention and apply them in practice.
- Make sure that you have developed a strong thesis: Not everyone knows what is a thesis and which role it plays in an essay. If you aren’t aware of these basics, you won’t reach success. Bear in mind that only a person with the great writing and analytical skills can write a couple or even one sentence, which would reflect the purpose of writing the essay.
- Check out the relevance of details: Are you sure that all information you provided has sense and should be necessarily used? Sometimes writers repeat the same thought several times, which has a negative impact on the essay. Operate only with the meaningful facts and avoid writing about things, which seem not to have any weight in your paper.
- Check if you have used rich vocabulary in your work: To make your essay smart and interesting, you should demonstrate the diversified vocabulary knowledge. In case you find it difficult to substitute the keyword with some other phrase, use the specially designed tools to find the most suitable synonyms for your essay content.
- Make sure you have no problems with the punctuation: There are students who think that it is not fair when the grade depends on the punctuation. However, sometimes it plays a crucial role in the understanding. Depending on where you put a comma, you can change the sentence meaning unintentionally. Only the writer knows what he meant by the sentence while the reader may be puzzled.
- Pay attention to the weak points of your work: Have a look at the point making a list of the most important things to check out. Among them, you should have the grammar errors, stylistic means, essay formatting. You can get an A-grade only if each part of your work sounds and looks perfect.
- Make a list of the most important questions you had to answer in your work: Have you replied all fundamental questions? For example, such question list may include the following questions: “Have I provided enough arguments to support the main idea of my work?” or “Do I sound persuasive expressing an opinion on the subject?” Each essay writer should set a number of basic questions, which are common for all academic papers as the major goal is to develop a top-notch quality essay that should be easy to read and understand.
- Use the automatic grammar and spelling checkers: To polish your essay after editing the content, you should use the effective programs that may be helpful for writers not to miss any error. Don’t give grammar and spelling mistakes any chances to spoil the overall impression your essay is going to make.
- Ask a competent person to look at your work: Sometimes a writer is so tired that can’t notice some small errors. It is always good to hear one more opinion to make sure you are on the right way. Perhaps, you will get some interesting ideas how to improve your essay.