Global Technology Innovation – outsourcing company founded in 2021

The year 2021 seems to be the year of the IT industry that has developed a lot during the pandemic. New opportunities have emerged for entrepreneurs who have managed to attract many projects.

Global Technology innovation provide well defined architectures, unit testing, SOLID & DRY principles throughout knowledge teams’ directly into the customers’ projects and proudly invest in mentoring programs and career paths for all engineers, so our customers can solely focus on their business.

The teams at global technology services is focused on building scalable and easy to maintain applications that are used by clients. The backend developers continue to learn and improve skills. They have annual goals set to learn new technologies and obtain new certifications

Thus was born a new start-up for outsourcing companies, namely Global Technology Innovation which provides software services.

Global Technology is an outsourcing company founded in 2021 that works with clients from several industries such as:

– Manufacturing

– Healthcare

– Automobile

– Banking

– Real Estate

– Logistics

– Insurance

– Capital Markets

This new company offers full stack services of:

– Frontend

– Backend


– QA automation

– DevOps


At the moment, Global Technology employees work 100% from home. When things will relax with the pandemic, the company’s managers will rent offices in different country’s to be able to work hybrid, both remote and from the office, all remaining at the choice of employees.

The expansion plans are very big and in the next years it is desired to expand the company by attracting new projects thus creating new jobs.

Global Technology Services focuses on customers in countries such as:

– Untied States

– Europe

– Canada

– Australia

After a brief discussion with human resources staff, we learned that Global Technology focuses on staff selection. We want to attract the best IT people in the industry, thus attracting and retaining the strongest customers with interesting projects.

Currently the company is preparing to invest in employee training, so they are ready to work with the latest technologies meeting customer requirements.

Attracting customers is a rather difficult process, which is why quality comes first. Most customers come from recommendations. Satisfied customers recommend the company to other entrepreneurs or product companies and thus manage to select the best projects.

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