Coronavirus survivor’s makeshift radio system unites local community – WideShut Webcast

Stu Wyatt

As coronavirus puts strain on communities across the world, Stu Wyatt battled back from his own covid19 symptoms to build a makeshift radio system OkeNet, which brings his local Okehampton community together.

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What would you do if the internet went down or your phone stopped working? What about power outages? How can volunteers unite to help the vulnerable if normal modes of communication fail?

By flouting Ofcom regulations Stu installed an antenna in his garden and now anyone within the town that has a UHF receiver can communicate their needs. That includes the local GP and pharmacies, as well as volunteers helping the shielded and vulnerable.

Stu also discusses the ups and downs of COVID-19’s symptoms, the pain of having his lungs fill with fluid, and phoning his mother to say it might be the end.

He also opines on people who still think it’s all a hoax, the flawed herd immunity strategy from Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson, flouting red tape and pointless rules to save lives, and fears about the social nature of society changing forever.

As things move forward it’s time for a community spirit, but relying solely on the internet could be unwise. We’re living in fragile times indeed!

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