Unelected President of the EU Commission, José Manuel Barroso, announced last week plans for an all encompassing “banking union”, which would give the European Central Bank supervisory powers over every member-state financial institution [1]; yet another step in a long planned superstate agenda.
“We need to move to common supervisory decisions,” Barroso brazenly declared, demanding that the ECB should rule over all euro-zone banks, a number that pushes 6,000 individual institutions.
Without mincing words the Bilderberg member called for the end of national sovereignty, and in its wake he thinks a “federation of nation-states” under the centralized control of unelected EU bureaucrats should be formed [2]; a vastly different system than was originally sold to the public back in the 50s.
Speaking to the BBC French finance minister Pierre Moscovici stated [3]: “The UK, like us, would like if possible quite a swift timeline,” in the handing over of power.
Despite often claiming to be a eurosceptic, a spokesperson for David Cameron revealed the Prime Minister’s enthusiasm for the agenda [4]: “We have consistently argued that a banking union is an essential part of a single currency and, as the single currency central bank, the European Central Bank is the right organisation to take on that supervisory role for euro area banks.”
Unsurprisingly there has been zero talk of giving citizens a democratic vote on the matter.
In an exclusive WideShutUK interview, author Chris Morris pointed out the hypocrisy of Barroso’s plans, and broke down the history of the EU agenda and its deceptive and secretive aims.
Jump to 1:16:10 for interview:
Barroso “has been pushing for the integration of European & global financial markets and regulatory bodies for quite some time”, back in 2008 when the contrived financial crisis first became widely apparent, Barroso met with then US President George Bush and Nicolas Sarkozy to call for a “a new global financial order” [5]. As we see in Britain with the LibLabCon’s joint support for the EU and America with the Republican and Democrats’ joint support for NATO the United Nations and global financial decisions, the push for further centralized global governance is bipartisan and goes beyond the redundant circus of party politics.
So where is the power really held?
“Barroso is a frequent Bilderberg attendee” revealed Morris; the secretive yearly gathering of the world’s financial, political and corporate elite. In a row over Dutch and Belgian attendees claiming expenses for this year’s meeting, an admission on the event’s official website was cited, which states “participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity”, although according to Barroso “the travel expenses incurred were paid by the [EU] commission, as for any mission” [6]. This begs the question, why aren’t tax payers being made privy to the goings on of the club?
Instead concerned citizens have been forced to do their own research and thanks to some leaked documents obtained by Wikileaks, the pieces are finally coming together. According to minutes from the second Bilderberg conference in 1955, a year or more before the concept of a European Economic Community was sold to the public, the elite were already planning a single currency and a full blown authoritarian Superstate. The document reads [7]:
“A European speaker expressed concern about the need to achieve a common currency, and indicated that in his view this necessarily implied the creation of a central political authority. A participant, speaking as a German industrialist, said that, having fought for integration before, German industry was still determined to pursue the same purpose, but he expressed considerable doubt as to the functional approach to integration by moving from one economic sector to another. In his view, the common problems of differences in labour standards and currencies and the various elements entering into the common market must be brought nearer to parity as a condition of further progress…it is our common responsibility to arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.”
What this tells us is that the soft early steps towards today’s European Union were nothing more than a ruse to get the public and uninitiated politicians on side. It was always planned as a superstate, and as integration has slowly increased we’re reaching a point of no return.
Morris explains: “So in 1955 the Bilderberg Club are already openly discussing the deregulation of markets and integration, which has followed extensively over the decades. This has resulted in the phenomenon of globalization, which groups such as Bilderberg now use as their justification for meeting.” The solution to the problems created by the centralization of power is being sold to the public as further centralization of power, by the people who centralized it in the first place!
Morris continued by explaining the role of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). According to their own website their mission is to “Serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks“ [8].
“The key thing about this bank,” Morris warns is that “it’s completely privately owned”, although unlike your average corporation, the vested interests do not make their individual selves or agendas public. This means when “you see the IMF going in to Greece or Ireland etc, giving financial advice advice and pushing austerity measures, you have to remember that the organization that oversees the IMF (the BIS) is privately owned…it doesn’t take a genius to see that vested interests might influence this [for their own benefit]…their happy to see 50% of youth unemployment in Spain for example.”
Most people do not tend to follow the money trail all the way up the pyramid. They end at national Governments and their national debts, or the buck stops in Europe. Yet the way the system is set-up, nearly all economic activity around the world ends up passing through the BIS.
The UK is currently £4.8 trillion in debt thanks to the Government borrowing money to spend on the EU, illegal wars and its other bloated programs. Since they have no money of their own this is automatically a debt on the citizens, which is pledged through future taxation and cuts to public services. Currently your Tax only goes to cover the interest on the national debt, because the liabilities are so huge!
George Osbourne knows Britain is broke and can mathematically never pay back its debts (he is in charge of the books), however he futilely continues to keep his paymaster’s system afloat. The money the Government borrows comes from private financial institutions, not too unlike if you borrowed from a high-street bank. These banks get a portion of their money from central banks and are often regulated by them, and those central banks are beholden to the Bank for International Settlements, itself a private bank. Meanwhile Osbourne’s pals in the city gamble the economy on risky financial instruments, knowing the Government will further pledge the people’s hard earned money as collateral in the form of bailouts if all goes wrong (or right depending on how you look at it). If they want to gamble, why don’t they gamble at the Poker Blog, instead of gambling with our future?
The kicker?
As revealed on the website of the New York Federal Reserve [9], “86 percent of the shares of the BIS are registered in the names of central banks, and 14 percent are held by private shareholders.”
In other words the Bank that regulates Central Banks to keep them stable and operating fairly, is actually owned by those Central Banks. They regulate themselves! They ensure their own profits and survival over that of the people and can manipulate markets for their own political agendas! Furthermore 14% of shares are held by individuals. “The shares owned by private shareholders consist of part of the French and Belgian issues and all of the shares that were in the original U.S. issue in 1930.”
As explained by official Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) historian Dr. Carroll Quigley, in his seminal work Tragedy and Hope. A History of the World in Our Time [10]:
“The powers of financial capitalism had far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.”
So When Barroso stands up and calls the current economic climate a crisis, he’s being disingenuous. The problems the world faces today are systematic, in-built and long planned by groups such as the CFR and Bilderberg, of which Barroso is a member. His solution of further integration is fulfilling the plans of those who caused the problem in the first place and will simply streamline their system of global control.