As a business owner, it’s your job to create the kind of atmosphere that can attract and retain some of the best talent out there. You need to create a workplace environment that allows employees to be their best and feel encouraged to keep on reaching and striving for more. This is often easier said than done and simply cannot be achieved if you haven’t taken the time to create a more inclusive workplace.
Inclusivity in the workplace can seem like it’s difficult to achieve but with the right steps, it is achievable. Here are four tips for creating a more inclusive workplace that will create a positive work environment for all.
Educate Yourself on What Inclusivity Means
One of the biggest mistakes employers make is assuming they understand what inclusivity means and what it takes to achieve it. Often, the concept isn’t fully grasped and the measures they put in place won’t cut it.
The topic of diversity equality and inclusion is vast with plenty to learn. It’s more than just a definition, it’s about learning why it’s so important, real ways to achieve it in the workplace, what is mandated under The Equality Act 2010, and how you can take it further and be even more successful in creating equality and diversity in the workplace. Read, ask questions, learn, and speak to professionals that can offer insight and help.
Inclusivity Has to Be Part of the Company’s Values
Inclusivity isn’t just a term you toss around rather it needs to be included in the core values of the company. This means you write it down on paper, all management is on-board and it is a priority for the human resources department to adhere to it and promote it.
Change always happens from the top down, so it is upper management and senior staff that need to embrace and promote it thereby setting the example for all employees to follow.
Encourage Employees to Provide Feedback
Even with your best intentions, you may miss some important steps or considerations. This is why it’s important to encourage honest feedback from employees. They need to know that when they come to management with concerns, it is a safe space for them, that they can be honest and open about their feelings, and that management will listen and address the situation.
If you have a large company, you may find it helpful to create a specific branch or task force that focuses on inclusivity and diversity in the workplace. This is where employees can then direct any concerns they have.
Show Staff That You Stand Behind Diversity
Words are great, but it’s the actions that matter. Show staff that you are serious about inclusivity and diversity by bringing in measures that make all feel welcome and equal. This can include acknowledging special awareness days, acknowledging all religious holidays, and creating a prayer or meditation room for employees to use.
It’s a Journey Not an Overnight Fix
Creating a more inclusive workplace is a journey this won’t be an overnight fix. This means you need to be committed to all the work and steps necessary and understand it will be an ongoing process.