Lincoln’s next major housing project could see more than 300 properties delivered over a period of 4 to 5 years, according to Tuesday’s housing scrutiny sub-committee.
Dubbed ‘Queen Elizabeth Road,’ the properties of various types would be developed on the land behind the Views, on the Ermine East estate.
“This is very exciting, but does present some challenges and is currently with the Planning Department for consideration,” said Councillor Pete West (Labour, Abbey Ward), the portfolio holder for housing.
If the development goes ahead it is expected to include a mixture of council homes, Housing Association homes, and other properties.
Meanwhile, 75 council homes are expected to be ready for June, in partnership with Waterloo Housing. In total 139 council properties and 71 for the Housing Association are being built across various locations this year, with the majority expected by November.
“We have made some real progress to deliver more good quality housing,” said Cllr West.