Yet another member of the highly touted Navy SEAL Team Six, the group that allegedly carried out the raid on Bin Laden’s compound, has wound up dead according to today’s news cycles.
The death reportedly occurred during the rescue of an American doctor, Dr. Dilip Joseph over the weekend, who had been kidnapped five days prior outside of Kabul by the Taliban.
“This was a combined operation of U.S. and Afghan forces,” said 1st Lt. Joseph Alonso, a spokesman for U.S. forces. “Information was collected through multiple intelligence sources, which allowed Afghan and coalition forces to identify the location of Joseph and the criminals responsible for his captivity.”
“He gave his life for his fellow Americans, and he and his teammates remind us once more of the selfless service that allows our nation to stay strong, safe and free,” said President Obama in a statement.
The case of 28 year old SEAL Nicolas Checque, who died of a single gunshot wound to the head, joins a list of other stories that suggest SEAL Team Six are dropping like flies following their supposed involvement in the May, 2011, Bin Laden operation.
It was reported in August last year that 22 Navy SEALs, most of whom belonged to Team 6, died after their helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan [1]. This was the largest loss of life in a single day since the 2001 invasion.
Seal Team 6 Bin Laden Raid Mystery
Although the film Zero Dark Thirty has been keeping the story fresh in everyone’s mind, exactly what happened and the evidence supporting it is a closely guarded secret. Versions of events that have made their way in to the public sphere seem to contradict each other.
The only alleged member of Team 6 to come forward with their own account of what happened is Mark Owen (a pseudonym), who some how managed to publish a book without it being vetted by the White House, Pentagon or the CIA, of which tells a totally different story than was first described to the public.
According to Owen, Bin Laden was not armed as first reported, did not pose a threat and did not use his wife or some other lady as a human shield [2].
This then begs the question, why did Team 6 assassinate him? (If they did at all). Bin Laden was supposed to be the leader of a global terrorist organization hell bent on destroying the Untied States. Surely the logical and ethical thing to do would be to capture and interrogate him and put him on trial for 9/11? After all that was the reason sold to the public to justify the invasion of Afghanistan.
Unlike Bradley Manning who is still rotting in a military cell somewhere for leaking classified military intel exposing America’s war crimes in Iraq, SEAL Team Six member “Owen” has in no way been punished for the tell all tale. Perhaps it’s a tall-tale used to legitimize a narrative that is full of holes. A classic limited hangout. Even the most gullible among us must have a hard time believing they actually murdered the world’s most notorious terrorist, buried him at sea without any sailors present [4], and without having the body independently verified – unless they were covering something up. They couldn’t make the whole story more suspicious if they tried.
Furthermore the idea that this would somehow prevent retaliation from Al Qaeda is absurd. If Bin Laden was supposed to have been killed in the compound, surely that’s all the information they’d need before taking revenge? And aren’t Al Qaeda supposed to be targeting America anyway? I didn’t think the needed an excuse? Then again the only attacks on US soil since 9/11 have either been “home-grown”, FBI entrapments or both. Other than the Fort Hood shooting, none of these have been a success. And far from seeking revenge, Al Qaeda are now working hand in glove with the United States in Libya and Syria. For an anti-western Islamic fundamentalist network, they don’t half flip flop.
Also lets not forget the “situation room” photo, purportedly showing Obama and co watching the raid live. CIA director Leon Panetta inadvertently revealed that there was actually no video of the raid recorded [5]. The photo, which had been digitally enhanced to emphasize the false shock and tension on the faces of Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama [6], is nothing short of PR.
We may not ever know exactly what happened in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the US have been sure to get rid of any evidence they claimed to have, by sinking it to the bottom of the ocean. Empirically speaking that means there is no evidence. And with contradictory accounts of what did go down, and propaganda being used to try and support those contradictions, a rational person might determine there’s some level of cover-up. Locals either didn’t think it was Bin Laden, or as one man put it “that was my neighbor Akhbar Han.”
Who Are SEAL Team 6?
SEAL Team Six is the colloquial term for the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group (NSWDG), or DEVGRU. They were created in the aftermath of the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, in which Iranian revolutionaries were seeking payback for the CIA and MI6 coup of their democratically elected leader Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953.